24 of our Latest Daily & Weekly Treats

white Ford Mustang coupe

Life Is Like a Car Wash!

Perhaps the most apt metaphor to describe our hurried and distracted lives is that of a car wash.  When you pull up to a car wash, you are instructed to…
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person holding white candle with light

The Light That Is You!

Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention.So go.Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The…
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person's hand holding book page

The Origins of Democracy!

Many of the values of Western civilization are rooted in Jesus and the Scriptures.  Where did our concept of democracy come from? Most people say that it came from Greece…
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100 us dollar bill

An Attractive Hazard!

Who do you think is happier, the man who has ten children or the man who has $10 million?  The answer is the man with ten kids because he knows…
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man standing on rock near seashore during sunset

My Life Is GOOD!

Dear God, I did not sleep well last night,but I did wake up.My muscles are sore,but they work.My wallet is not full,but my belly is.I may not have all I want,but…
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a person holding a rosary and a cross

My Rosary Prayer!

MY ROSARY PRAYER In quiet moments, beads in hand,I pray the rosary, I try to understand,With Glorious, Joyful, Sorrowful themes,A journey through my faith’s sweet dreams. The Glorious Mysteries I…
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man about to hold eyeglasses

Watch Your Words!

Watch your thoughts…..they become words.                                                                                       Watch your words…..they become actions.                                                                                         Watch your actions…..they become habits.                                                                                         Watch your habits…..they become character.                                                                                     Watch your character…..it becomes your destiny. By Frank Outlaw Which of the above are…
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boy in white button up shirt smiling

Keeping the Child Within!

Children have about them a sense of wonder and awe. I had a man come into my office several years ago. He had it all……talent, looks, personality. I felt myself…
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person wearing white cap looking down under cloudy sky during daytime

The Sins of the Church!

On October 1st, Pope Francis opened the final phase of the Synod of Synodality in Rome in an unusual way, with a penitential service in St. Peter’s Basilica.  Pope Francis…
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a large pile of rubble sitting on top of a street

A Day of Prayer!

Pope Francis has called for a day of prayer and fasting today, October 7th, the one-year anniversary of the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war.“In this dramatic hour of our history,” the…
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