24 of our Latest Daily & Weekly Treats

person holding space gray iPhone 5s taking picture

Moving the Margins!

Jesus lived on the margins and moved the margins to include all people. In doing so Jesus invited hostile crowds to want to edge him out of existence. Today our…
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Shirtless man showing strength with visible muscles during workout, focus on back view.

The Emperor’s New Clothes!

Everyone knows the Hans Christian Andersen story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” A couple of smooth-talking swindlers convince an egotistical king that he has just purchased the most gorgeous, elaborate,…
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photo of white and gray ship in body of water

The Other Side!

How many of us recognize ourselves in the Gospel that was proclaimed at church today?  (Luke 5:1-11). Jesus gets into Simon Peter’s boat and teaches the crowds from the boat.…
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Love scrabble tiles on book page

The Best Is Love!

So often we have heard the words of St. Paul on love in his Letter to the Corinthians. (1Cor. 13:4-13). I always enjoy hearing a new version of the reading.…
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soil, plants, grow, agriculture, green, life, seed, tree, seeding, leaves, sprout, garden, environmental, ecology, growth, planting, spring, gardening, nature, soil, sprout, ecology, growth, growth, planting, planting, gardening, gardening, gardening, gardening, gardening

Planting the Seeds!

There was a woman once who wanted peace in the world and peace in her heart, but she was very frustrated. The world seemed to be falling apart and her…
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man, retirement home, person, lifetime, period of time, autumn of life, older, old, senior, suitcase, pocket, travel, luggage, piece of luggage, clock, time, nursing home, care for the elderly, old people's home, future, past, lifetime, lifetime, lifetime, lifetime, lifetime, older, older, older, nursing home, past

The Last Quarter of Life!

Most of us are now in the last quarter of our life and should read this interesting piece of advice.  This is one of the nicest and most gentle articles…
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pile of blister packs of colorful medicine tablets

Have a Nice Day!

I often stand in line at the Walgreen’s a block away from where I live. The day-time checkout lady always finishes with a customer by saying, “Have a nice day!”…
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person holding baby's index finger


One day when I was first ordained, I was talking with Mary Mills, a very devoted nurse. I was wondering how she was able to spend so many hours of…
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