Welcome Home, Mr. President!

Daily Treats

Post Date: December 30, 2024

Author: Med Laz

Hubert Humphrey, Vice President of the United States from 1965 to 1969, passed away in 1978 while Jimmy Carter was President.  Hundreds of people came from all over the world to the White House to say good-bye to their old friend and colleague.

But one person who came was shunned and ignored by virtually everyone there. Nobody would talk to him, nobody would look at him, no one would speak to him. That person was former president Richard Nixon.

Not long before, he had gone through the shame and infamy of Watergate. He was back in Washington for the first time since his resignation from the presidency. People were avoiding him like the plague.

Then, a very special thing happened, perhaps the only thing that could have made a difference and broken the ice. President Jimmy Carter, who was in the White House at that time, came into the room and was about to be seated. But before he was seated, he saw President Nixon over against the wall, all by himself, and went over to him as though he were going to greet a family member.

Nixon stuck out his hand to the President but to the surprise of everybody there, the two of them hugged each other and Carter said, “Welcome home, Mr. President! Welcome back home again!”

Commenting on that, Newsweek magazine said, “If there was a turning point in Nixon’s long ordeal in the wilderness, it was that moment and that gesture of love and compassion.”

Isn’t that what our Church is all about? Welcome home! Which character are YOU these days in the Prodigal Son story?


Please take a look at my new book: A POEM A DAY TO PRAY  2025. https://treatsforthesoul.org/a-poem-a-day-to-pray/

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