24 of our Latest Daily & Weekly Treats

ai generated, birth of jesus, nativity scene

Christ’s Cry Whispers Softly!

CHRIST’S CRY WHISPERS SOFTLY Christ’s Cry is often a gentle, soft sound, Reminding us that life’s worth can be found. In our everyday moments, through trials and peace, Christ’s Cry whispers softly, offering…
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A close-up of a traditional wooden nativity scene with figurines depicting the birth of Jesus.

Blessed Are They Who Find Christmas!

Blessed are they who find Christmas in the age-old story of a babe born in Bethlehem. To them a little child will always mean hope and promise to a troubled world. Blessed…
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god, jesus, christ

Christmas Day!!

A CHORUS OF ANGELS SANG IN THE NIGHT                           It is a tale that always stretches our mind, Of God in flesh, with humankind entwined. In a humble town, God chose to appear, In…
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selective focus photography of baby holding wooden cube

The Child Within You!

Every Christmas we celebrate the coming of a divine Child in our world and especially inside each of us. The Christ-Child will never be born in us unless we have…
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pedestrians, people, busy

Jesus Creates a People-Jam!

Two men were standing at Michigan Avenue and Delaware Place in Chicago during the Christmas rush, waiting for the red light to change.                   One of the men was very…
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a city street with cars parked on both sides

A Better Neighborhood!

A husband and a wife left a party one evening. Once in their car the two of them got into a hum-dinger of a fight. They noticed that they were…
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a christmas tree with ornaments

Christmas Holds All Time Together!

Christmas is the day that holds all time together!  The two hardest things to say in life are HELLO for the first time and GOODBYE for the last time.  What HELLO still…
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nativity outdoor decor during night time

If You Were There at Bethlehem!

Oh, you say, had I been there at Bethlehem that night I would have seen. I would have understood. I would have known it was the Christ-Child. Would you? There…
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white bedsheet

A Higher Standard of Living!

There was a man who had been a closet slob most of his life. He just couldn’t comprehend the logic of neatness.  Why make up a bed if you’re going…
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two human palms

Thy Kingdom Come!

            Thy Kingdom Come! It sometimes seems that God shows his sense of humor with history. Emperor Nero was sure that the most important happenings in Rome were the words he…
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