Do not bother looking for Lent in your Bible dictionary. There was no such thing in biblical times. There is some evidence that early Christians fasted 40 hours between Good…
In 2019 eight minor British celebrities put on their rucksacks and walking boots and spent 15 days walking the ancient Via Francigena on a pilgrimage from the Swiss-Italian border to…
Here are some suggestions of what you might “give up” for Lent — * Give up grumbling! Instead, “In everything give thanks.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) Constructive criticism is all right,…
A mother was teaching her 3-year old daughter the Lord’s Prayer. At bedtime, she repeated after her mother the lines from the prayer. Finally, the little girl decided to go…
Have you ever been confronted with a message that changed your perspective? One church chose as its Lenten theme, “Forty Days of Love.” Each week members of the congregation were…
We enter the season of Lent by putting ashes on our foreheads. What’s symbolized here? Perhaps the heart understands better than the head because more people go to church on…
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. A war is raging in the Ukraine and the politicians never stop raging. For you and for me, Lent is a…