You Are a Branch!

Daily Treats

Post Date: April 29, 2024

Author: Med Laz

For some time now people throughout our country have experienced severe thunderstorms with very high winds. 

A neighbor had a tree from which the winds tore off several large limbs. Because the limbs were large it took him several days to get them cut up and removed. 

There was one very noticeable thing about the limbs that lie there on the ground torn from the trunk of the tree. They died. This may sound very trite and you may be saying, “well of course they did! A limb cannot live separated from the tree.” 

I too know this fact, but seeing them lying there dying drilled home the reality, “apart from the tree…..the limb cannot survive.” This fact of nature was used by Jesus as a metaphor for the Christian life.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.” (John 15:5-6)

We cannot live the Christian life and be fruitful Christians apart from Jesus any more than those limbs could live after being torn off the tree trunk. Every branch draws its identity, its sustenance, its life from the vine. No two branches are alike and yet they are all the same. Paradoxical as it is, it is true. 

Every Christian is unique and yet every Christian is the same. Our identity is derived from the Vine. We are known by the Vine we are attached to. We receive our sustenance and life from the Vine, the Vine that is Jesus himself.

Thanks to Gerald Whetstone for sharing. Thanks to Tom Fisk for the photo. 

Do YOU feel that YOU are joined to Jesus as a branch to a vine or to limb to a tree? Are YOU getting the sustenance from Jesus that YOU need?


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