Two men were traveling by a light airplane to a business meeting in Alaska. Somewhere over the tundra the plane’s motor failed and they were forced down.
When they returned home each wrote an article for his favorite magazine about the resulting crisis.
One was an avid outdoorsman and his article was titled, “Survival In The Frozen North.”
The other was very religious and his article was titled, “How Prayer Saved Me From The Wild Wolf Pack.”
The stories were about the exact same incident. The authors were different, and so was the audience for whom each wrote.
Depending upon what screen you are looking at or whose voice you are listening to, this is constantly happening in our world today – THE SAME EVENT HAPPENED – YET IT WAS REPORTED AND SPOKEN ABOUT IN A TOTALLY DIFFERENT WAY.
“And that’s why we stay longer than we should….because it hurts to watch something you love transform into something you should hate. We sit and we wait for it to return to its original state, in denial as we ignore the fact that what we see was always there and what is now, will always be.” by r.h.Sin
So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8: 31-32)
Do YOU ever check another screen or truly listen to a different point of view? Are YOU trying to survive in the frozen North or has prayer saved YOU from the wild wolf pack?
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