The Prayer of St. Francis!

person showing both palms while sitting on chair

Daily Treats

Post Date: September 28, 2024

Author: Med Laz


Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace, 
Where hatred dwells, let love increase.  
Where there’s offense, let pardon reign,  
And heal with grace where there’s been pain.  

Where doubt is strong, plant seeds of faith,  
And in despair, bring hope to stay.  
Where darkness grips, send forth Your light,  
To banish shadows from the night.  

Where sorrow lingers, joy impart,  
To lift the burdened, broken heart.  
O Master, help me seek to console,  
To comfort others and make them whole.  

Let me not seek to be understood,  
But to understand, and seek the good.  
Help me to love, not seek return,  
For love is pure when freely earned.  

In giving, we receive in grace,  
In pardoning, we find our place.  
And when we die, we’re born anew,  
To endless life with joy in You.  

By Medard Laz

Today is the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi. Many people in our country and around the world are bringing their beloved pets to church to have them blessed. 

What pet of YOURS or someone YOU know has been a special blessing to YOU?


People you know will enjoy my poem with the words of St. Francis. Do share it.

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