A small boy once asked an aged sailor, “What is the wind?”
The old man replied, “I don’t know, son. I cannot tell you what the wind is, but I can tell you how to hoist a sail.”
It is not really necessary to know all about the wind if we know how to set our sails. We simply make them ready, and let the wind come.
We do this every time we pick up the Bible and read, every time we go to church to be with the Lord, every time we say the rosary and every time we make the time to pray. We are setting our sails for whatever gale the tomorrows in life may bring.
In each of these ways we adjust the wind-catching paraphernalia of our lives. Then we’ll be ready for life’s gentle zephyrs or its howling storms. In every one of these ways we align ourselves and we set ourselves right with reality. And then, whatever winds may blow, we can receive their forward-thrusting force and sail on. This is how wise and prudent people make it through life for 80 or 90 years and more.
Thanks to Pixabay for the photo
What in YOUR spiritual life has helped YOU with the gentle zephyrs and the howling storms of life? How can YOU help another person to do the same?
People you know need to adjust their sails. Please share my Message.