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Questions of the Heart!

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If you want to learn what a person is like,
Ask three questions, see what they strike:
What makes you laugh, with joy and delight?
What makes you angry, ready to fight?
What makes you cry, with sorrow deep,
Revealing the secrets that hearts may keep?

Some say we need leaders filled with rage,
To fight the battles, to storm the stage.
But anger alone, though fierce and strong, 
Can miss the mark, can steer us wrong.

We need anguish, a deeper plea,
A broken heart that yearns to see.
The difference clear, as night from day,
Is a heart that breaks, but finds its way.

It’s easy to rage at others’ sins,
To cast the blame as anger spins,
But hard it is to look within,
To face our flaws, to grieve our sin. 

Jesus, He showed us how to feel, 
With righteous anger, a heart so real.
He cleansed the temple, fury bright,
Yet wept for the city, in the night. 

A blend of justice, love and pain,
A heart that weeps brings hope again.
For in those tears, a healing starts,
A strength that rises from broken hearts. 

So ask these questions, learn what’s true,
Find the depth in those around you.
In laughter, anger, and in cries,
See the soul through honest eyes.

By Medard Laz        Thanks to Quang Nguyen Vinh for the photo. 

What makes YOU laugh?  What makes YOU angry? What makes YOU cry?

GOD TEACHES US TO LOVE BY PUTTING SOME UNLOVELY PEOPLE AROUND US TO LIKE, AND EVEN LOVE!!Do share my poem with someone and see what they think. Enjoy my Podcast. 

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