When I Need Perspective at the Start of the Day
In this day, O God,
May I be alert.
May I be kind.
May I be compassionate.
May I be authentic.
May I be generous.
May I be forgiving..
May I be honest.
May I be brave.
May I be forgiving (again).
May I be open.
May I be creative.
May I be strong.
May I live from my intentions,
not simply my habits.
And may I hold closely in
prayer the people
you bring to my heart
and mind right now…..
May I focus,
may I trust,
and, above all,
may I be yours.
“And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
By Arianne Braithwaite Lehn
From: Ash & Starlight, Prayers for the Chaos & Grace of Daily Life
Thanks to Pablo Heimplatz for the photo.
Do offer and pray this prayer today and throughout the month of March and Lent.
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