“I’m Hungry, Mommy!”

Daily Treats

Post Date: February 28, 2024

Author: Med Laz

Fred Craddock tells of the time he attended a conference on hunger. Influential, knowledgeable speakers had been brought in from all over to talk on the subject. 

Near the end of the conference, Fred says, a young, willowy woman got up to speak. Her long straight hair fell down her back, almost to her waist. She carried a legal pad to the podium and began reading.

At first, Craddock says, he couldn’t follow what she was saying. Eventually, it dawned on him, as it did all the other listeners. She was reading the same sentence over and over, each time in a different language. 

Finally, at the very end, she spoke the sentence in English. All the time she was saying, “Mommy, I’m hungry. Mommy, I’m hungry.”

She was the most powerful speaker of the entire conference, Craddock says. At least, she had the most impact upon him. 

As he and his group drove back to Atlanta, alongside the highway he read a billboard he had seen numerous times. Before, he had hardly even noticed it. This time he did. It said, “All You Can Eat Buffet, $8.99.” This time, Craddock says, that message seemed to him to be obscene.

Guilt can be a powerful motivator.

Thanks to Fred Craddock and Randy L. Hyde for sharing this.   Thanks to Bill Wegener for the picture. 

Have YOU ever considered a sign like, “All You Can Eat Buffet” to be obscene?


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