Happy 6th Anniversary!

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Daily Treats

Post Date: September 28, 2024

Author: Med Laz

The Society of International Law, in London, states that during the last 4,000 years there have been only 268 years of peace. 

This in spite of thousands of good peace treaties over the centuries. In the last 300 years there have been 286 wars on the continent of Europe alone.

Here is another version of the same facts —  The Personnel Journal reported this incredible statistic: 

Since the beginning of recorded history, the entire world has been at peace less than eight percent of the time! In its study, the periodical discovered that of 3,530 years of recorded history, only 286 years saw peace. Moreover, in excess of 8,000 peace treaties were made–and broken!!

Thanks to Brett Blair


Our way of life is built on greed,
A thirst for more, an endless need.
We live believing that all we gain,
By right is ours, without disdain.

Excess is praised, success defined,
By what we own, by what’s left behind.
Our culture feeds this cancer’s spread,
As others starve, we’re overfed.

We strive to take all life can give,
No thought for those who barely live.
Their struggles mean so little here,
Our wealth amassed, their futures unclear.

Then once we have what we desire,
We seek for peace, we douse the fire.
Enraged if others dare to claim,
A share of what we proudly name.

But justice must precede true peace,
Without it, conflicts never cease.
The poor’s cry is unheard, their voices dim,
Sometimes in terror, they find their hymn.

By Medard Laz

How do YOU recognize that justice must precede true peace?

Today we celebrate the SIXTH ANNIVERSARY of TREATS FOR THE SOUL.  The first Daily Treat was published on October 1, 2018. Despite an occasional glitch, we have not missed a single day since then.  

We mourn the passing of one of our most avid Treats for the Soul readers and Podcast listeners. Cathy DePrizio of Chicago, at the age of 99, passed away on Tuesday, September 24th.  May Cathy now rest in the loving arms of her Savior. 

On this our Sixth Anniversary, I want to thank all of our readers and Podcast listeners. I truly love when I hear from you. So many of you stop me in-person to tell me you love TFTS. I’d love to hear from many others online. I especially thank those of you who have financially supported TFTS. There are more than a few costs and expenses. And I thank my IT right- hand man, Tim Veach, who takes care of everything I send him. 


Please celebrate our Sixth Anniversary by sending on today’s Treat to 3 people under the age of 30 that you know…..Blessings, Fr. Med Laz

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