Father Dollar Bill!

Daily Treats

Post Date: May 3, 2024

Author: Med Laz

There was a priest in Los Angeles they used to call “Father Dollar Bill.” His real name was Father Maurice Chase. He earned his nickname by giving out dollar bills. He was in his 90’s when he died. 

When some people said that his dollar bills had no real long-term impact, he would reply, “I’m just trying to give them hope, trying to give them a sense of dignity.”

The “them” he referred to were his Skid Row recipients. How they missed him when he was gone. “He was just a glorious man,” said one woman. “He was always there,” another man said. “He will be missed, not because of the dollar, but because he was feeding our souls.” 

Father Dollar Bill loved the materially poor and he looked forward to his weekly trips to give them a boost. But when he reached his 80’s and his 90’s he loved to say, “God has given me the happiest part of my life at the end.”

Thanks to Pixabay for the photo. 

Sometimes I want to ask God why he allows poverty, famine and injustice in the world when he could do something about it…..But I’m afraid God might ASK ME THE SAME QUESTION!!!

Have YOU ever asked God why he allows poverty, famine and injustice in the world? Has God ever asked YOU the same question??


You know someone who asks why God does not do something today. Please share this message with them: www.TreatsfortheSoul.org. Listen to my Podcast.

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