This January cold spell with sub-zero temperatures and snow reminds me of a night in January, 1960 when I attended a CELAM Latin American conference at the old Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago. It was 15 degrees below zero outside and the wind was howling off Lake Michigan.
Cardinal Richard Cushing, the Archbishop of Boston (1944-1970) and a lifelong friend of the Kennedys, got up to speak at 10:00 PM. He captivated me and an audience of over 1,000 people for over an hour. He had a way with words. Here are two of his notable offerings that he often gave on much warmer nights……
A Prayer for Bad Times
Dear God,
Help me to be a good sport in this game of life. I don’t ask for an easy place in the lineup. Put me anywhere you need me.
I only ask that I can give you 100 percent of everything I have. If all the hard drives seem to come my way, I thank you for the compliment.
Help me remember that you never send a player more trouble than he can handle.
And, help me, Lord, to accept the bad breaks as part of the game. May I always play on the square, no matter what the others do. Help me study the Book so I’ll know the rules.
Finally, God, if the natural turn of events goes against me and I’m benched for sickness or old age, help me to accept that as part of the game too. Keep me from whimpering that I was framed or that I got a raw deal.
And when I finish the final inning, I ask for no laurels. All I want is to believe in my heart that I played as well as I could and that I didn’t let you down. Amen.
The Need for Courage
If all the sleeping folks will wake up,
and all the lukewarm folks will fire up,
and all the disgruntled folks will sweeten up,
and all the discouraged folks will cheer up,
and all the depressed folks will look up,
and all the estranged folks will make up,
and all the gossiping folks will shut up,
and all the dry bones will shake up,
and all the true soldiers will stand up,
and all the church members will pray up,
and if the Savior of all will be lifted up…..
then we can have the greatest renewal
this world has ever known.
Thanks to Jill Wellington for the picture.
Do pray this Prayer For Bad Times when YOU have the need.
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