In this fast-paced world, which has no shared roadmap, we increasingly sense that the gap between concern for one’s personal well-being and the prosperity of the larger human family is widening; it feels as though there is a schism between the individual and the community of humankind.
It is one thing to feel forced to live together, but it is another thing entirely to value the richness and beauty of the seeds of a shared life, which need to be sought out and sown.
Yes, technology is constantly advancing, but how wonderful it would be if scientific and technological innovation brought greater equality and social inclusion with it.
How wonderful it would be if, while discovering faraway planets, we could also rediscover the needs of our brothers and sisters who orbit around us?
Pope Francis, from his Gift of Joy and Hope. Thanks to Andrea Piacquadio for the photo.
What are some of the needs of YOUR brothers and sisters who orbit around YOU every day?
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