What Jesus Gives Us for Lent!

Daily Treats

Post Date: March 1, 2025

Author: Med Laz

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.

A war is raging in the Ukraine and the politicians never stop raging.  For you and for me, Lent is a time to get serious about our inner spiritual life and our future life in the world that is up ahead for us beyond the grave.  

Lent is a time to take a long and serious look at what Jesus has done for us. It has been said that Jesus takes away our sins like a filter purifies water. Just as a filter flushes out toxins and gives back pure water, so does Jesus….Whether it is the people we look to for leadership, or it is you or me…..

Jesus takes in hatred, holds it, transforms it and gives back love.

Jesus takes in bitterness, holds it, transforms it and gives back graciousness.

Jesus takes in curses, holds them, transforms them and gives back blessings.

Jesus takes in chaos, holds it, transforms it and gives back order.

Jesus takes in fear, holds it, transforms it and gives back freedom.

Jesus takes in jealousy, holds it, transforms it and gives back affirmation.

Jesus takes in the most deadly sins, holds them, transforms them and gives back only forgiveness and goodness.

Jesus takes away the countless sins of the world in the same way a water filter takes impurities out of water, by absorbing and holding all that isn’t clean and giving back only what is pure.

What YOU can do this Lent is what some friends of mine are doing. They are sending an email, a voice mail, a card or making a phone call every day of Lent – all 40 days – to affirm and to bless 40 different people who have meant something special to them in their lives. This Lent YOU can do what Jesus does….YOU can be the filter that purifies, affirms and blesses this world in a special way.

Do send that email, voice mail, card or make that phone call of affirmation to start off YOUR Lent in a wonderful way. 



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